Flowers are given for many reasons but the 2 that stand out to me are for death and for love. Hip-Hop itself has been going through a lot of ups and downs. Death and rebirths of styles and trends has always been part of Hip-Hop's expression and the music gives purpose and fulfillment to those trends. No matter where Hip-Hop is socially, morally and spiritually, the music is the defining characteristic of what makes the culture amazing. We celebrate the good, tolerate the bad, and revere the greats. This album will put conversation about the culture in your vibe and in your conversation with many statements made to the beat or song and the rhythm of life.
I Need My Flowers, is an album brought to you vocally by Len-Dor. A Canadian MC with Trinidadian blood and a soul of a poet that brings life to the auditory lens of the listener. He is not your typical MC. His flow is slow, deliberate and clear so you will get what he says and a lot of the messages he gives are gut checks when it comes to manhood (Discipline), faith (False Prophets), and giving your lady what she needs to feel good (Angel). An MCs job is to leave seeds in the minds of their listeners and he does this with rhymes that are written to paint pictures and sounds war on those that falsify how they represent to the people in our culture. With additional songs like Lies of Life and Speak Softly, Len-Dor gives the listener not only his experience in life but warnings to those that hurt people and to the people that are living in this hanging world we share.
The production of this album was handled by fellow MC and Producer Pro-Logic. If you love Soul samples and Boom Bap music, this album will put one in a place where the seed dropped by the lyrics are being nurtured through the bass lines and the harmony of the music rapped on when making this project. Part of making this project work in finding the sounds that make the MC speak in a way they can heard and the lyrics can be felt and both the MC and the producer were able to capture the prize of the listener's ear if they choose to hear. The highlight of the album to me is the song Bullpen.
This song gives us Hip-Hop's response to Justin Trudeau and the changing world from Canada's point of view. In America and Canada we are going through a trade war, tariff leans and economic distress. Len-Dor, Fraction and Pro-Logic strategically bring out the activism in Hip-Hop by calling out the authorities that are failing people and the expressing the pain of the citizen in this struggle being shared.
When a seed is planted and nurtured there comes a growth. This album can be used to spark the growth of the minds and inspiration to the new listeners and veterans to this artist. Those seeds will lead to the next voices that can be inspired to bring the change to the world and evolve the music to its' new age of expression. Len-Dor say he needs his flowers and he can receive them in 2 ways. 1 he deserves to get praise for releasing this project and giving the world quality Hip-Hop to help aid not only Canada but the world in understanding Hip-Hop's value in world by telling our stories about where we are from. Then 2 by giving the inspired masses that hear this music his flowers will be given as the cause to the why the people and creators have stirred to spark the minds of those to come and his flowers are the appreciation and recognition for making a project that can lift every mind to create. I Need My Flowers is the album that can teach the world Canadian Hip-Hop lives in a good place and it's fertile to grow greatness in the culture musically and socially for sure. The flowers to come will give the world something special to see, feel, and hear when the art is produced and the music is shared with the world.
I Need My Flowers:
Social Media:
Len-Dor: https://www.instagram.com/len_dor13/
Pro-Logic: https://www.instagram.com/joebiwan75/