All Hip-Hop is not created equal. Some people rhyme good and have trash beats behind them. Some have great beats and the rhymes are substandard. Mic Mountain and SeenDaDream have taken that reality and have created a project to attack all of these realities to wage a war for your ears that will hit like a WWE chair shot and their album Mountain Dreams, is the wake up call a lot of people need to hear.
See if Hip-Hop was wrestling it would be Wrestlemania season and we would have the best to listen to around this time. This would be the showcase season where the champions of word play and music are on display for the world to see. Mic Mountain is fresh off a Spanish album release, Triple Piragua, and he returns with SeenDaDream to give an English album release to display just how good his rhyme technique and ear for beats are when producing a project and he has not failed.
This album is a Boom Bap joy filled with music of the essence of Hip-Hop with a story of positive self image building, love, fake friends and belief in oneself. Music like this is needed not only to keep the culture alive but to bring inspiration to the listeners that look to tell their own stories as well. Besides having stories of pain (Snakes), we get stories of happiness and peace (Just Like Heaven). Growth is the path in which an MC can fully walk the listener into the song by painting pictures of the world they share and this album does that.
Sometimes we play the face, and the heel. Sometimes we are the student and the teacher but at all times we are the artists that share the stage with the world and what we give will decide if we will be remembered. We dream to speak and go have the world acknowledge who we are and what we are speaking about. Mic Mountain and SeenDaDream took the art of wordplay and beat selection to craft a new offering for Hip-Hop to enjoy.
Mountain Dreams will release 3/7/2025 with a virtual listening party on Bandcamp.com
Follow Mic Mountain on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/therealmicmountain/
Follow SeenDaDream on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seendadream/
Click the picture below to visit the bandcamp.com page for the listening session and to hear Mic Mountain's discography.