Ron Savage sends a public apology to the Hip Hop Museum for the actions and accusations against Bambaata and Zulu Nation. “I have nothing against the two.” According to Ron Savage, Lelia Wills slammed the media with slanders and accused Ron of attempting to jeopardize her YouTube channel as well as her film The Zulu Nation: The First Gay Family Of Hip Hop. The harassment by Lelia stems from Ron not wanting to partake in the agenda that Bambaata sex-trafficked him across state lines. Star, a media figure also harassing Ron, was captured on audio threatening him and stating on YouTube, “Bambaata is it molestation or gay love gone wrong”?
Word got around that Ron Savage was set to perform for First Dime Booking at the Hip Hop Museum. Lelia Wills once again barraged the press and media and took to her YouTube channel to continue her slander, which shocked all parties as the event Ron was performing at was not a Zulu Nation event. Ron recapped, “Lelia Wills was adamant about her statement suggesting anyone in support of Bambaata or Zulu Nation are pedophiles.” “This was an event by First Dime Booking to showcase musical talents within the communities.” (Watch the performance here https://youtu.be/OlHKlH5-SGo ) “I want again, to apologize to the Hip Hop Museum and First Dime Booking for the unfortunate attempts by others to defame a night sought out to celebrate others.” For more information, please contact Hip Hop Stands With Survivors or reach out to Ron Savage directly at +19143414722.
Sign the petition New York City Mayor Eric Adams I Stand With The Hip Hop Museum In The Bronx, New York
Connect with Ron Savage Ron Savage – Former Member of the New York State Democratic Committee, currently reigns as Executive Board Member of the National Action Network Bronx Chapter and Hip Hop Movement Owner of Servicemark www.ronaldsavage.com | www.bronxnan.com | www.hiphopmovement.us www.hiphopmovementpodcast.com www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ronald_Savage